March 2, 2011

Roy O Takes On the O's

Listen live as the Phillies take on the Orioles in a free webcast. Yes, 2010 MLB subscribers who should have renewed their subscriptions yesterday and cheapskates accustomed to following cartoon games on MLB Gameday, I'm serious. As for Roy O, not so serious:

Charles Schwab and Rich Dubee getting Roy O'd—still funny after all these beers. We should probably have a Photoshop contest now of different people getting Roy O'd, if someone hasn't done that already.

And while Nadine's talking baseball, which we so rarely do, how many games will Little Roy win this year? How will the aces rank by the end of the season? Discuss.

1 comment:

Nadine said...

No matter how many wins he gets, I hope Lil Roy runs through at LEAST one more stop sign at third base.