February 16, 2011

Beat on the Brat with a Baseball Bat

HOLY CRAP. Phillies/Ramones t-shirts from Crucial Brutal just made my morning totally rad. One question though: where's the love for Fat Joe? There's space for his name on there, dudes. :(=

Speaking of the Ramones, aren't they the perfect soundtrack to America's pastime? They sound like summer days and bubblegum and Coney Island. As Arturo Vega, the NYC artist who designed the Ramones' iconic logo, put it: "I saw them as the ultimate all-American band. To me, they reflected the American character in general—an almost childish innocent aggression. I thought the Great Seal of the President of the United States would be perfect for the Ramones... but we decided to change it a little bit. Instead of the olive branch, we had an apple tree branch, since the Ramones were American as apple pie. And since Johnny was such a baseball fanatic, we had the eagle hold a baseball bat instead of the arrows."

If nobody's using this as their batting entrance music yet, well, somebody should.


MTV said...

You forgot the "awesome tattoo ideas" tag!

Nadine said...

Good call. This should obviously be on my arm by now.

James Generic said...

I like how last year, when they were giving Ryan Howard baseball bats to fans 15 and younger, they gave 'em out when people were leaving so they wouldn't beat on each other, inside the park at least...

I still need to rent somebody's kid to get some of those giveaways. I WANT A CHASE UTLEY FATHEAD ON JULY 24TH!!!!